Monday, March 31, 2008

[BROTHER] to be call when my friend wedding

Another friend getting married and he is asking me to be his 'brother' @ the day his wedding. I'm new in term of 'brother', cause this is my first time. At the early morning, we meet @ my friend house and deco our cars. 1 car for wedding and 9 'brother' cars, damn [big screen] ar. By the time we reach girl's house, only knew need to break 5 level. She is staying in 4th floor. Wcan break all the level easily, cause an experience 'brother' is in the group. HAHAHA!!! After all, 'brother' need to fetch those 'Ji Mui's to my friend house, I'm the only empty car. So poor!!!

Anyway, this is my first time! And I'm enjoy. Congratulation, My Friend!!! Anyone need me as 'brother', just drop me a call!!!!!!!! Free Of Charge!!!!!!!

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